Greeny's Last Heist

Greeny's Last Heist

By Ridham and Tyler

Another one: maybe his third this week. He loved doing it every time, just the thrill of it, even though he knew he would never get caught because he could manipulate his size like a chameleon changes colors. You see, Greeny had an uncanny addiction to food. So, naturally, he liked robbing stores, but he didn't view it as stealing; no, to him, it was a game, a game that he always won. He had like an 80-0, 81-0 record? He had lost count, but you get the idea. If you were wondering why Greeny had such an odd name, it was because his hair was very green. His hair drooped over his eyes and was kind of a mess; one of his eyes was bigger than the other, and Greeny did not know why. 

One fine night, Greeny was walking down the street and smelled that undeniable smell with his powerful nose: food. He was hungry, so he turned the corner and saw a supermarket. Swiftly, Greeny transformed size to be as tiny as a fly and walked straight in. He looked around everywhere, but there were no people to be seen. Still, he knew he had to be careful. He looked around and saw a bunch of food, basically his paradise. Greeny muttered to himself, "I'll take some of this, some of this, and maybe some of that." In less than a minute, Grenny's pockets were full of food. "Mmm" Greeny sniffed. He could smell his next meal. Now, Greeny's favorite, the escape, through the black of night, he slipped through the crack in the door and made it out with another successful heist 82-0.

He went back to his house, enjoying his well-earned victory. However, a sense of loneliness washed over him; maybe there is more to life than stealing, he thought to himself. Ever since his parents died, he had felt lonely, and he went to stealing food to keep himself occupied. He would go to school but his local public school was full of mean people, and he couldn’t afford a private school. Maybe this life of crime was the only thing he was good at. These were his thoughts as he went to bed. 

"Ahhh," Greeny yawned. "Time to start a new day."

His stomach growled. He wanted something to eat, and somehow he had finished eating his stock of food from yesterday. Going during the day was risky, but he felt it was necessary. He shrunk to the size of a fly as he walked up to the front of the store. Then he climbed up to the A.C. vent and dropped down into the store. Unlike his last heist, there were many people this time, so he had to be extra careful. Luckily for him, anything he put in his pockets resized to fit. Today, he smelled something different: a sweet, juicy smell. He followed his nose toward the scent and saw something so plump and ripe that he knew he had to eat it. This fruit, with its smooth skin that glistened in the light like glitter, was almost too perfect to be real. Its vibrant red color just promised a tasty and refreshing bite. He couldn't take his eyes off this masterpiece. His stomach growled again. Not wasting another moment, he gobbled up the food. As he did this, he felt a strange sensation wash over him. At first, he couldn't make out whether it was good or bad, but soon he felt his whole body growing bigger, but he wasn't doing anything. He began to panic; if he grew, people would see him and know he was stealing. 

"AHH!!" screamed one woman. 

"What's that?" another boy remarked.

"I-I ca-can explain-" Greeny squeaked.  

"Save it! I'm calling the cops," shouted the woman!

As if they were waiting for the signal, the cops appeared in no time. 

"You are under arrest for shoplifting," said one of the police officers.

Greeny couldn't believe it. He was actually heading to jail. JAIL!! He had heard terrible things about the place and heard no one ever escapes. The adrenaline ran high in his blood. However, moments later, he sighed in relief. He could escape prison because the police didn't see him shapeshift, so he could escape the jail. But did he even want to? Maybe this is all he was good for. Did he deserve to escape? Moments later, he arrived at prison. As he walked through the doors, he was frisked for stolen goods, a mugshot was taken, and he was put in a cell. 

Right after the door shut, he heard a faint voice."Hello," it said.

"Hello?" Greeny responded.

"What's your name?" the mysterious voice said.

"Greeny, what about you?" asked Greeny.

"Blenny," the voice said. 

"What are you in for," Greeny questioned.

"Framed, I didn't even do anything," Blenny sadly stated.

"Oh that's not good," Greeny uttered.

"What are you in for?" Blenny probed.

"Basically, while robbing a store I ate something that I was allergic to and got caught," jibbered Greeny.

"What?" Blenny said, confused. "That makes absolutely no sense."

"It's complicated," said Greeny, "but I'm not bad."

Blenny muttered under his breath, "Kinda sounds like it." 

"It was… Like a misunderstanding," responded Greeny. "But do you want to escape?" 

"I've tried but there's no way."

"Until now, cuz I can change my size at will."

Greeny attempted to show him as he scowled, "Well normally I can but like I was saying    I ate a fruit that stopped my powers." 

"Sure…." Blenny sarcastically stated.

"No actually, I can show you tomorrow when the effect wears off."

Greeny walked over to the so-called bed. The bed was literally a rock; there was no way this was a bed. How could anyone ever sleep on this? As he lay in bed, he decided that once he escaped, he would not continue his life of crime. He would go to the park, make friends, and maybe even start going to school.  

"Wakey, wakey!" shouted Blenny

"Ahh, I'm up," yawned Greeny.

"Now can you show me that power thingy?" 

"I'll try."

Greeny tried to use his powers, and sure enough, he shrunk down to the size of a fly.

"What!?!" Blenny exclaimed, taken aback, "I didn't believe you at first."

"Well now you do."

"Ok, can we escape then?"

"Ok, first I will get the guards key and free you."

"Ok then we can find the janitor's closet and get disguises."

"Yea sure."

Blenny was nothing like how Greeny had pictured him. He had blue hair and a really ugly face. It didn’t matter to Greeny though; he just wanted to escape. Just like that, they started to execute their plan. Greeny slipped through the cracks of the door and looked for the officer with the keys to the cells. He saw something glistening. He had found the key. He then moved toward the officer and grabbed the key off of his belt. Then he went over to Blenny’s cell and freed him. Blenny grinned with newfound hope, and they carried on with their escape. They ventured through the dimly lit hallways, avoiding guards and security cameras. 

As they made their way to the exit, Blenny spotted the janitor's closet. “Wait, Greeny. let’s grab some supplies,” he whispered. They quietly slipped inside and grabbed some uniforms, buckets, and mops to blend in. Greeny transformed back into his regular size now that they had disguises. They carefully walked through the prison, their hearts pounding with every step. This was definitely the biggest of Greeny’s heists. However, he did have the experience and Blenny knew the place inside out. Greeny changed his size again and slipped through the lock in the door allowing him to open it from outside. Freedom was just within reach. But just as they were about to make their escape, an alarm sounded.

 The guards were alerted to their presence and it was a race against time. Greeny and Blenny sprinted toward the exit. The guards were closing in on them, but Greeny shrank his size and crawled through the small openings in the door. He unlocked the door and let Blenny through just in the nick of time. They hijacked a cop car and drove off. They did it, They really escaped. “Woo-Hoo!” They both cheered. 

As Greeny and Blenny were driving down the street he passed a park, and he could see somebody shooting hoops on the park's basketball court.

“Blenny, I am going to get out now,” said Greeny, “but it was great meeting you.” 

“Alright, good luck. I will miss you,” Blenny sadly responded.

Greeny hopped out of the car and walked towards the park. 

“Hi,” said Greeny, “can I play with you?”

“Sure, my name is Jerry, what about you?”

“My name is Greeny.” 

“Oh, nice, so wanna play basketball with me? I'm trying to become a professional basketball player.” 

“That's awesome, how can I help?” 

For the next couple hours Jerry and Greeny had a blast! Greeny learned all types of tips and tricks and quickly became great at basketball. He was having fun, like the most fun that he’s ever had. Life was brightening up for him. He finally found something he loved and enjoyed doing! He had also made a friend.

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